【5CD】ベン・ハー(完璧盤:5枚組)ミクロス・ローザ◆CD5枚で6時間を超+28ページブックレット◆ [40484781]
販売価格: 10,500円(税込)
在庫数 10枚
【5CD】ベン・ハー(完璧盤:5枚組)ミクロス・ローザ◆CD5枚で6時間を超+28ページブックレット◆Ben-Hur (1959)
◎ウイリアム・ワイラー監督作品で史劇スペクタクルの傑作「ベン・ハー」のコンプリート・サウンドトラック・コレクション・5枚組です。Disc.1、2には、この映画の中で使われたすべての使用楽曲、さらにアウトテイク、別バージョン、追加楽曲などマスターテープから余すところなく収録されています。さらにDisc3-5には、MGMレコードからリリースされたカルロ・サヴィーナ指揮のバージョンとエーリッヒ・クロス指揮のバージョンを2種類、計3枚のサウンドトラックLP(すべてヨーロッパで作られた新録音盤、うち1枚はレアなLIONレーベルからリリースされたものを世界初CD化)に収録された内容を収録しています。さらにFSMからリリースされたCD15枚組BOXセット“Miklos Rozsa Treasury”に初収録された「クォ・ヴァディス」の “do-over”も収録されています。28ページに渡る詳しいブックレットもついており、CD5枚で6時間を超える「ベン・ハー」完璧版です。Golden Age Classicsシリーズの2000枚限定です。
Film Score Monthly FSM Vol. 15 No. 1
Country:United States
Release Date:28-Feb-2012
Golden Age Classics series.
5 CD-set, including a 28-page booklet.
Limited edition of 2000 copies.
March 2012 re-release of 2000 copies.
◆ Track listing
01. Overture (06:29)
02. Anno Domini (01:31)
03. Star of Bethlehem/Adoration of the Magi (03:31)
04. Shofar Call (00:45)
05. Fanfare to Prelude/Prelude/Marcia Romana (03:59)
06. Spirit and Sword (00:50)
07. Salute for Messala (00:10)
08. Friendship (04:22)
09. The House of Hur (01:42)
10. Conflict (01:41)
11. Esther (02:34)
12. The Unknown Future (00:43)
13. Love Theme/Ring for Freedom (04:47)
14. Salute for Gratus (00:33)
15. Gratus' Entry to Jerusalem (01:56)
16. Arrest (01:18)
17. Reminiscences (01:47)
18. Condemned (00:56)
19. Escape (02:07)
20. Vengeance (00:47)
21. The Prison Part One/The Prison Part Two (00:46)
22. The Desert/Exhaustion/The Prince of Peace/Roman Galley (07:31)
23. Salute for Arrius (00:21)
24. Quintus Arrius (00:41)
25. Roman Fleet (01:05)
26. The Galley (03:18)
27. Rest (01:19)
28. Battle Preparations/The Pirate Fleet/Attack!/Ramming Speed/Battle/Rescue (09:50)
29. Roman Sails (00:47)
30. The Rowers (00:26)
31. Victory Parade (02:24)
32. Victory Finale (00:27)
Total Disc 1 Time: 72:02
01. Fertility Dance (01:02)
02. Arrius' Party (01:13)
03. Nostalgia/Farewell to Rome (02:11)
04. A Barren Coast (00:26)
05. Judea/Balthazar (02:25)
06. Balthazar's World (01:56)
07. Homecoming (01:21)
08. Memories/Hatred (04:22)
09. Lepers (01:01)
10. Return/Promise (05:21)
11. Sorrow and Intermission (01:22)
12. Entr'Acte (03:47)
13. Panem et Circenses (00:52)
14. Circus Fanfares Nos. 1-4 (00:42)
15. Panem et Circenses (00:45)
16. New Fanfare for Circus Parade (Parade of the Charioteers) (03:15)
17. Circus Fanfare No. 6 (Fanfare for Start of Race) (00:11)
18. Panem et Circenses (00:57)
19. Circus Fanfare No. 7 (Ben-Hur Crowned) (00:16)
20. Bitter Triumph (00:46)
21. Aftermath (01:16)
22. Valley of Lepers/The Search (02:53)
23. The Uncleans (02:29)
24. Road of Sorrow (02:49)
25. The Mount/The Sermon (01:18)
26. Frustration (01:15)
27. Valley of the Dead/Tirzah Saved (04:00)
28. The Procession to Calvary/The Bearing of the Cross/Recognition (07:06)
29. Aftermath (Crucifixion) (02:21)
30. Golgotha (00:53)
31. Shadow of a Storm (01:01)
32. The Miracle/Finale (04:53)
Total Disc 2 Time: 72:02
CD 1-2 - The film score
01. Prelude (03:23)
02. Adoration of the Magi (02:15)
03. Roman March (01:21)
04. Friendship (01:38)
05. Love Theme of Ben-Hur (02:49)
06. The Burning Desert (05:03)
07. The Rowing of the Galley Slaves (02:46)
08. Naval Battle (02:45)
9. Return to Judea (02:03)
10. Victory Parade (02:13)
11. The Mother's Love (02:59)
12. The Lepers' Search for the Christ (02:31)
13. The Procession to Calvary (04:30)
14. The Miracle and Finale (03:37)
Total Time: 40:11
CD 3, tracks 01-14 - The Savina Album
15. Star of Bethlehem (01:33)
16. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
17. Prelude (01:58)
18. Spirit and Sword (00:56)
19. Revenge (01:22)
20. The Desert/Exhaustion/The Prince of Peace/Roman Galley (07:35)
21. Roman Fleet (01:06)
22. The Galley (03:14)
23. Rest (00:55)
24. Battle Preparations Part Two (00:49)
25. Roman Sails (00:47)
26. Victory Parade (01:36)
27. Fertility Dance (00:58)
28. Arrius' Party (01:45)
29. Judea (02:56)
30. Homecoming (01:43)
31. Sorrow (01:03)
32. Intermission (00:33)
Total Time: 33:34
CD 3, tracks 15-32 - Act One Alternates
Total Disc 3 Time: 73:53
01. Prelude (03:26)
02. The Adoration of the Magi (02:10)
03. Roman March (01:16)
04. Friendship (01:45)
05. Love Theme of Ben-Hur (02:41)
06. The Burning Desert (05:02)
07. The Rowing of the Galley Slaves (02:48)
08. Naval Battle (02:50)
09. Return to Judea (02:14)
10. Victory Parade (02:13)
11. The Mother's Love (02:28)
12. The Lepers' Search for the Christ (02:16)
13. The Procession to Calvary (04:27)
14. The Miracle and Finale (03:38)
Total Time: 39:51
CD 4, tracks 01-14 - The First Kloss Album
15. Entr'Acte (03:49)
16. Panem et Circenses (01:10)
17. Circus Parade (Parade of the Charioteers) (02:13)
18. Aftermath (01:31)
19. The Search (01:40)
20. Road of Sorrow (02:49)
21. The Sermon (00:34)
22. Valley of the Dead/Tirzah Saved (04:01)
23. The Procession to Calvary/The Bearing of the Cross/Recognition (07:17)
24. Aftermath (02:20)
25. Golgotha (01:33)
26. The Miracle/Finale (04:26)
27. Entr'Acte (03:36)
Total Time: 37:34
CD 4, tracks 15-27 - Act Two Alternates
Total Disc 4 Time: 77:32
01. Overture (03:58)
02. Star of Bethlehem (01:52)
03. Gratus' Entry Into Jerusalem (03:29)
04. The House of Hur (01:54)
05. Messala's Revenge (03:28)
06. Fertility Dance (01:26)
07. Farewell to Rome (02:12)
08. Arrius' Party (01:31)
09. Parade of the Charioteers (03:28)
10. Bread and Circus March (01:15)
11. Death of Messala (02:49)
12. Memories (02:38)
13. Sermon on the Mount (01:51)
14. Valley of the Dead (02:14)
15. Golgotha (02:44)
16. The Christ Theme from Ben-Hur (Alleluia) (02:40)
Total Time: 40:09
CD 5, tracks 01-16 - The Second Kloss Album
17. Star of Bethlehem/Adoration of the Magi (03:31)
18. Star of Bethlehem (01:33)
19. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
20. Adoration of the Magi (02:04)
21. Spirit and Sword (00:38)
22. Gratus' Entry to Jerusalem (02:00)
23. Revenge (01:23)
24. Arrius' Party (00:52)
25. Sorrow (01:04)
26. Intermission (00:20)
27. Entr'Acte (03:37)
28. Aftermath (00:35)
29. Aftermath (00:35)
30. The Sermon (00:19)
31. The Sermon (00:19)
32. The Sermon (00:33)
33. The Sermon (00:38)
34. Golgotha (01:26)
35. Miracle (01:37)
36. Finale (01:15)
37. Finale (00:34)
38. Finale (01:10)
39. Love Theme (02:18)
40. Harun al Rozsad (02:06)
41. Quo Vadis Prelude (with chimes)/Drums (Appian Way) (01:39)
Total Time: 35:04
CD 5, tracks 17-41 - Additional Alternates and Bonus Tracks
Total Disc 5 Time: 75:22
Total Duration: 06:00:26